Go, because you want to.

It’s funny how sometimes the people you meet on your journey seem to cross your path for a reason, which is exactly how it felt this morning on our flight to Singapore. Hubby in the aisle, me in the middle, and seated by the window what looked to me like a teenage girl.

It wasn’t long before I’d introduced myself and we started the obligatory small talk about where we were from and going to. Turns out my seat companion, Sanio from Taiwan, has been travelling aound Australia on a working holiday visa for the past year, working in bars to save enough funds for her next plan, hiking Camino de Santiago in Spain. As often seems to be the case with tourists to Australia she has seen and been to more places over the past year than I have in my life here; Ayers Rock, Broome, the Bibbulmum track etc

During her time in Australia Sanio has been recording the names, birth year and dream job of the people she has met on a paper aeroplane which represents her dream job to be a pilot. I recorded mine as travel writer. Her thanks to all who contribute to her momento, a handmade friendship bracelet I will proudly wear as long as I can.

Sanio will be celebrating her 25th birthday the day we embark on the Arcadia cruise, this Wednesday March 25.
From what I can see she is well on her way to being the pilot of her own journey.

Sanyo from Taiwan

Last Goodbye

So sweet to find a little note from my daughter on my phone this morning, a wonderful keepsake to take with me and remember why I am going away and also what I’m leaving behind.

So proud that my wandering spirit has been inherited by my daughter who has already been to Europe, New Zealand and Japan and is planning and saving for her next adventure.

From little things big things grow; thankyou so much sweetie, I won’t have ALL the fun but I’ll have fun trying x

Mixed Emotions

Well my bags are packed and I’m all set to head off before sunrise.

Feeling mixed emotions, mainly because it’s looking likely that this graceful lady won’t be here when I return.

Shadows on a scan now reveal why Cracker, who’s been a family member for close to 18 years, is off her food and fading fast.

I spent time with her and have said goodbye but knowing she’s not likely to be here when I return makes this new beginning bittersweet.

Rest in peace my sweet.

No More Strikes

Driving home from shopping this morning I came across a sobering scene. Our local indoor sport centre, Striker, has been demolished.

So many memories now buried forever, for myself as a participant as well as my children and their friends who over the years played cricket, soccer and netball at Striker.

I understand the need for more housing, but it should not mean sacrificing community recreation.
My local area has loads of parks but places like Striker offer the opportunity to enjoy team sport when the weather outside is too extreme.

My guess is that the big picture plan is for places like this to be on the fringe of suburbia, or attached to the mega-malls that also seem to be expanding at a rapid rate.

Just feels sad, like a little bit of soul has been lost.

A few of my favourite things

As exciting as it is planning for and anticipating new horizons, I am also hyper aware of what I am leaving behind.

The sun rising in the East, picture perfect beach scenes, and all of the places and faces that feel like home.

I guess that’s why I feel the urge to travel; makes me value what I already have so much more.







And so it begins

New ZealandI am feeling very raw and exposed writing this, my very first blog post on my very first blog.

After all my years of journal writing I am ready to share my life travels and lessons with whoever might be interested, or not.

I recently heard a quote that feels appropriate:

‘Doctors bury their mistakes, journalists publish theirs’ …

So with a big deep breath, fingers crossed and lots of positive affirmations I’m putting myself out there warts and all.

Wish me luck!